Category Archives: irony

Emotions: The paradox

How is it that our most negative feelings arise only when we least want them to? 

As Humans,we  are only truly happy a few moments a day as it is and somehow, in waltzes some morbid emotion that sucks away the joy; hardly giving us any prior warning and before we know it, poof! 

Hey! We didn’t even have time to grab that damn happiness and pull it closer, to hug it tight and never let it go! The evil engulfs us like a blackhole, leaving only zombies at it’s wake. 

And humans just love to be zombies, don’t they? Feeding off of their own negativity and feeling some perverse pleasure in basking in  remorse and regrets. Hell,some even find pleasure in others’ remorse. It makes them forget their insecurities even if it is merely for a little while, but alas! only to return again.  What a goddamned viscious cycle. 

Hold up. This is getting depressing. Here,let me be more positive and dream a little dream!

Oh hello! What is this? The world is Candy-Land? Hurrah! Look here, there’s no woes or cares! Just fun and giggles 24/7 , 365. Money grows on trees. Make a wish and ta-da! It’s magic! White picket fences, manicured lawns. Endless summer days! The neighbours waving at you, their smiles now bordering on plain creepy. Everything works like clockwork. You get up with a sparkly smile, put on a wrinkle- free suit and skip all the way to work, a spring in every step. 

Like a machine. In Perfect Order.

What is this? A Mess?        



We have to be perfect ,don’t you know?!!

Well shit . Looks like I’m still human after all. I’m never satisfied with what I get. 

Everything is a paradox.

 When will we be satisfied?